
Phoenix City Council Approves Substantial $200,000 Firearm Allocation to Ukraine via Alternative Channels

The Phoenix city council unanimously voted to send over $200,000 in firearms to Ukraine last Wednesday.

The firearms, which have been lost or surrendered due to court orders and held by the city for 30 days or longer, will be distributed to individuals favored by President Biden and the Democrats. This decision comes amidst escalating tensions in the Russia-Ukraine war.

The motion was approved as part of a larger agenda of 150 items passed by the council, led by Mayor Katie Gallego and her Democratic colleagues.

The Council of Phoenix Conducted the Vote Privately

According to ARS 12-945, if a firearm remains unclaimed, the agency must sell it to a business authorized to handle and dispose of firearms under federal and state laws.

The business is responsible for selling the firearm to the public while adhering to federal and state regulations, and the funds obtained from the sale are transferred to the city’s general fund.

In a newer plan, the city of Phoenix will transfer the firearms to a private firm, which will then transport them to Ukraine. The legal details of this arrangement are unclear.

Legality Behind This Sale of Firearms is Questionable

The Phoenix city council reached out to the Ukrainian Arsenal of Liberty to manage the sale of firearms. This firm was established by the Ukrainian Parliament as a means of transporting American guns to arm Ukrainian citizens.

The Department of Commerce authorized the sale of approximately 500 to 600 firearms, worth around $200,000, to the National Police of Ukraine.

However, the mission statement of the Ukrainian Arsenal of Liberty contradicts the previous notion that the firearms were intended for the National Police of Ukraine, as it seeks to arm citizens directly.

Arizona Republicans have criticized the scheme, labeling it “Fast and Furious II,” and holding the far-left city council accountable for their actions.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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