
Potential Impact of Jan. 6 Protesters’ Case on Supreme Court’s Agenda

In real time, there are countless Americans who’ve been punished by the legal system for protesting on January 6, 2021. This comes despite clear evidence that all isn’t as it seems about this day.

Right now, some of these individuals have received lengthy prison sentences, while others are awaiting their day in court from behind bars.

Some of the January 6 protesters who are able to challenge their charges in court are doing so. One man, Jake Lang, is preparing to take his case to the United States Supreme Court, according to the Gateway Pundit.

Here’s What’s Happening

Lang is currently facing several felony charges, including obstruction under a 1512 law. However, he argues that the prosecution intentionally restructured the law to add more charges against him.

If the lower courts refuse to drop the obstruction charge, Lang intends to take his fight all the way to the Supreme Court.

Should the Supreme Court decide to hear Lang’s case, it could have significant implications not only for him but also for other January 6 protesters facing similar charges.

More on Lang’s Case

Lang has set up a legal fund where people can donate to support his litigation expenses. On social media, it has been noted that over 900 days have passed without Lang being given a trial.

Even if Lang is eventually charged and convicted, the time he has already spent in prison is unlikely to count towards his sentence.

In the coming weeks, more information will become available about the outcome of Lang’s case and whether it will proceed to the Supreme Court.

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Written by Western Reader

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