
Prison Authorities Notified by Ghislaine Maxwell About Her Cellmate’s Transgender Identity

A former affiliate of the late pedophile Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, now known as “Prison Karen,” complained about her bunkmate having a loud late-night liaison.

Maxwell, sentenced to 20 years, was assigned to the same four-bed prison bunk (“cube”) as another inmate named “Batman,” a career criminal who is heavily tattooed and is “transitioning” from female to male.

“Batman” got locked up on a federal firearms offense and quartered with Maxwell when the incident occurred.

Socks and Boxers Strung Over the Metal Bed to Dry at Night

Maxwell expressed dismay when her new cellmate began hanging boxers and socks over the metal rungs of the bed to dry, as reported by sources within FCI Tallahassee.

The Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee, is a low-security prison installation, a factor that would contribute to Maxwell’s problems with “Batman.”

“Batman” began sneaking a girlfriend into the cell for sexual purposes; this was possible given the “cubes” did not have normal locking mechanisms akin to most prisons.

According to an insider who spoke to Daily Mail, the girlfriend would simply come in quietly, climbing up the ladder on the side of the bunk.

Turns Out Maxwell Has a Problem Keep Up With Personal Hygiene, Something Her New Cellmate Pointed Out

Maxwell was already irritated with “Batman” over her underwear, so the liaison was the nail in the coffin for the two of them.

Maxwell complained “Batman” was removed to another cube, and her replacement was a little better, according to the degenerate.

However, her new cellmate began complaining about Maxwell’s lack of showers and the odor emanating from her sweaty sneakers in their cramped living space.

Again, the pedophilic socialite complained. After making her complaints to the prison authorities, the other girl was removed to yet another cube, and Maxwell gained the nickname “Prison Karen.”

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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