
Proud Boys Engage in Confrontation with White Identitarian Groups During Pro-Pride Rally

On June 24, 2023, several right-wing groups held a rally in Oregon City to protest a pro-Pride event. The pro-Pride gathering served as a fundraising event for LGBTQ+ youth residing in Clackamas County. 

The right-wing organizations in attendance were protesting the alleged “pro-grooming” nature of this pro-LGBTQ+ event. 

However, conflict erupted among members of the Proud Boys and Rose City Nationalists, both right-wing groups present at the rally. 

Right-Wing Organizations Clash

The Proud Boys are a pro-Trump organization committed to defending Western civilization and fighting political correctness.

The Rose City Nationalists are part of a coalition of white identitarian groups in the Pacific Northwest. 

During the protest, members of the Rose City Nationalists tried to join the Proud Boys, but were met with opposition. 

Proud Boys members yelled at the activists from Rose City Nationalists and demanded they leave. Some Proud Boys members even unmasked the Rose City Nationalists, mistaking them for undercover FBI agents. 

After a brief confrontation, several Proud Boys members forcibly removed the masks of the white nationalist group members. The Rose City Nationalists then attempted to flee while covering their faces. 

On social media, some pro-Trump commentators alleged that the Rose City Nationalists were actually undercover FBI agents sent to incite violence during the protest. 

FBI Suspected of Foul Play

The FBI later issued a statement expressing its disgust at the suggestion that it had instigated the brawl.

In recent years, the FBI has faced increasing criticism for allegedly targeting right-wing organizations while favoring leftist institutions. 

If the FBI continues to face accusations of foul play, the demand for its abolition may become a more common stance among right-wing leaders in the near future.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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