
Questions Arise as Soldiers’ Mysterious Deaths Raise Suspicions

# Questions Arise as Soldiers’ Mysterious Deaths Raise Suspicions

American soldiers constantly put their lives on the line to defend our nation’s freedoms, liberties, and the rights we take for granted.

In recent years, our troops have come under attack from the overzealous Biden administration implementing policies like the COVID vaccine mandate. Despite this vaccine’s inability to prevent COVID or its spread, good members of the military were let go for refusing to take the shot.

This significantly killed military morale, hence leading to the low recruitment rates that remain persistent today.

At the same time, breaking news from the Gateway Pundit just revealed that three soldiers were found dead under highly suspicious circumstances.

The three Marines who lost their lives are ages 19 and 23, with their bodies located at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune. So far, there hasn’t been a cause of death announced. Although, one of the soldiers was, interestingly enough, reported as missing before his body turned up.

It hasn’t taken too long for this story to spread. On social media, Americans raised questions about what happened to these young men and why one of them was reported missing before their bodies were discovered.

So far, there’s also been no public statement from Camp Lejeune. It’s possible that investigations into the mysterious deaths are still ongoing. However, there could also be more to this story than what initially meets the eye.

Certain speculations suggest the Marines could have ingested fentanyl, a highly destructive drug that can kill people even in small amounts. This theory may have merit, as reports of fentanyl in North Carolina are not necessarily uncommon.

Either way, stories like this certainly aren’t going to do the current military recruitment numbers any favors. Between rampant wokeness in the Armed Forces and mysterious deaths like the latest, it’s no wonder more folks are determining that military service isn’t their calling.