
Republican Congress Member Caught Pouring Water into Democratic Opponent’s Bag

In a strange and concerning incident at the Vermont Statehouse, Republican Representative Mary Morrissey was captured on video pouring water into the bag of Democratic Representative Jim Carroll. This behavior, which took place multiple times over several months, has triggered a substantial ethics investigation and widespread disapproval from both sides of the political spectrum.

The issue came to light when Rep. Carroll noticed that his bag was frequently wet and suspected foul play. In an attempt to catch the perpetrator, Carroll set up a surveillance camera, which eventually recorded Morrissey in the act. The videos, made public, depict Morrissey approaching Carroll’s bag, which was hanging outside his committee room, and intentionally pouring water into it.

In one video dated March 23, Morrissey can be observed wearing a gray suit jacket as she casually pours water into Carroll’s bag.

Another video from March 26 shows her repeating the action, this time dressed in a rose-colored jacket and scarf. Although her face is not visible, Morrissey is clearly identified by her distinctive long gray hair in the videos.

This conduct has shocked many lawmakers. Republican Rep. Mike Marcotte expressed disbelief, stating, “To have another member actually do something like that, it’s hard to fathom.” The incident prompted a confidential ethics investigation by the House Ethics Panel to determine if Morrissey’s actions amount to harassment.

Rep. Morrissey, who has faced consequences such as being removed from a significant committee, issued an apology without clarifying her actions. “I deeply regret my actions and any distress they caused Representative Carroll,” expressed Morrissey in a brief statement. Nonetheless, the apology has not alleviated the anger and perplexity surrounding her motives.

The occurrence has been met with severe criticism from various quarters, with many questioning the appropriateness of such behavior within the legislative setting. “It’s just astonishing that a lawmaker would engage in such behavior,” commented Rep. Angela Arsenault, a Democrat who has seen the footage. The ethics investigation will determine if further disciplinary actions are warranted against Morrissey.

The scandal highlights a concerning breach in decorum and professionalism within the Vermont Statehouse, emphasizing the necessity for robust ethical standards and accountability for public officials. As the investigation progresses, there are calls for a comprehensive review to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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Written by Western Reader

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