
Resolution Discovered in Capitol Restroom, Calling for Removal of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

A resolution written by Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) calling for the vacancy of the Speaker of the House of Representatives was discovered in an unexpected place – a restroom inside the Capitol.

This surprising discovery has caused a stir in the political landscape and raises concerns about the stability of the current House leadership.

The document, dated September 15, 2023, was found on a baby changing table in the restroom beneath the House floor. It explicitly stated, “Resolved, That the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives is hereby declared to be vacant.”

The resolution was authored by Rep. Gaetz, who has been openly critical of the current Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, and his perceived lack of effectiveness in the role.

Gaetz has consistently criticized McCarthy for his “eight months of inaction” on issues related to Joe Biden and his family.

Gaetz has also taken the lead in drafting a subpoena for Hunter Biden’s records and testimony, urging McCarthy to sign it. This bold action highlights the growing dissatisfaction among conservatives who question McCarthy’s commitment to holding the Biden administration accountable.

This discovery comes one week after Gaetz threatened to remove McCarthy from his position as House Speaker. Gaetz accused McCarthy of failing to uphold the agreement that allowed him to assume his role, not holding the Bidens accountable, and supporting Biden’s inflationary spending policies, among other grievances.

Under the new House rules, any member of Congress, regardless of party affiliation, can initiate a ‘Motion to Vacate.’ This motion triggers a vote on the removal of the Speaker of the House. Gaetz’s resolution has the potential to trigger such a vote, further destabilizing the already tense political climate.

Interestingly, Democrats seem to support McCarthy as House Speaker, which raises concerns among conservatives who question whether McCarthy truly represents their interests.

This level of comfort, coupled with Gaetz’s resolution, could potentially lead to a significant shake-up in House leadership.

The resolution was discovered by left-wing journalist Matt Laslo, who shared photos of the document on social media. When contacted for comment, Gaetz’s team did not respond, fueling further speculation about the implications of this discovery.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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