
Revealing the Enigma: Unearthing Nearly 2,000 UFO Sightings in Maryland Skies

The state of Maryland, known for its rich history and picturesque landscapes, has recently gained a new distinction.

It appears to be a hotspot for unidentified flying objects (UFOs), with nearly 2,000 sightings reported since the mid-1990s. This intriguing revelation has sparked curiosity among locals and UFO enthusiasts alike.

The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has been diligently documenting these sightings. The reports describe a variety of unusual aerial phenomena, including a ‘flat bottom black triangle’ with green lights, a ‘classic flying saucer,’ and an oval-shaped craft that remained stationary for about a minute and a half.

These descriptions have added a layer of mystery to the already enigmatic subject of UFOs.

Interestingly, the first recorded sighting in Maryland dates back to May 15, 1946. However, this incident wasn’t reported until June 2017, suggesting that many more sightings may have gone unreported over the years. More recent sightings, such as the glowing ‘orbs’ observed above Ocean City in April, are now being reported to the database within days.

One witness from Ocean City, who works in the defense sector, shared their experience. They described seeing ‘four orbs’ moving in a circular motion, then returning to the center before spreading out again. This account, like many others, adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Maryland’s skies are a hub for unexplained aerial activity.

In November 2022, another Maryland resident reported seeing what they described as ‘a classic flying saucer, with a black marking in the front’ moving very slowly above their parents’ house in Rockville, just north of Washington DC.

The object was reportedly moving at a pace slower than an aircraft and disappeared after being filmed and photographed for 30 seconds.

Despite the increasing number of reports, the future of UFO sightings in Maryland remains uncertain. Peter Davenport, the director of NUFORC, expressed his optimism about more people coming forward and the government recognizing the UFO phenomenon as something worthy of their attention.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has traditionally advised commercial pilots and civilians to report unexplained aerial phenomena or craft to NUFORC. However, recent recommendations from NASA’s UAP advisory panel suggest that the FAA should start accepting public UFO and UAP sightings into its own Aviation Safety Reporting System.

Maryland’s UFO incidents, as logged by 1,818 reports maintained by NUFORC, total 1,923. One of the most compelling cases from the past year involved multiple electric blue lights in a tight triangular formation hovering over a backyard in Baltimore on August 5, 2023.

The state of Maryland seems to be a magnet for UFO sightings, with nearly 2,000 reported since the mid-1990s.

As more people come forward with their experiences, the mystery surrounding these unexplained aerial phenomena continues to deepen. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, there’s no denying that the skies above Maryland hold many intriguing secrets waiting to be uncovered.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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