
Russian Fighter Aircraft Conducts Aggressive Maneuver Near U.S. F-16 off Alaska Coast

An incident involving a Russian fighter jet dangerously close to a U.S. Air Force F-16 occurred off the Alaskan coast. On September 23, 2024, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) verified that Russian aircraft entered the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), an area where aircraft must identify themselves to prevent interception. U.S. forces intercepted two Russian Tu-95 bombers escorted by two Su-35 fighter jets.

The Su-35, among Russia’s most advanced fighters, engaged in aggressive maneuvers that nearly caused a collision with the American F-16. Video footage released by NORAD depicted the Russian jet approaching at high speed, rolling to one side, and passing by the U.S. fighter’s nose closely. This proximity forced the F-16 to wobble as it flew through the jet’s wake, a risky situation that could have resulted in a disaster. General Gregory Guillot, NORAD’s top commander, criticized the Russian pilot’s actions as “unsafe and unprofessional.”

This incident adds to a series of Russian military activities in the ADIZ, with numerous interceptions occurring recently. Although the Russian aircraft stayed within international airspace without violating U.S. or Canadian territory, their provocative behavior received harsh criticism from U.S. military officials. NORAD consistently monitors the ADIZ, spanning 150 miles from Alaska’s coast, and intercepts any non-compliant aircraft.

The increased Russian military presence in this region is viewed as part of a larger strategy to test U.S. defenses and assert their proximity to North America. While similar encounters have happened before, the closeness and actions of the Russian Su-35 in this instance raised significant concern.

The U.S. military routinely conducts intercepts when foreign aircraft enter the ADIZ, but this specific incident stood out due to the erratic flying of the Russian pilot, posing a serious threat to both American and Russian forces involved.

Despite the encounter’s dangers, the Russian aircraft eventually left the ADIZ without further escalation. The U.S. military stressed that while such activities are not uncommon, the increasingly aggressive tactics employed by Russian pilots in recent years raise concerns about potential missteps and unintended conflicts.

This is not the first time Russian aircraft have been intercepted in the region. NORAD frequently monitors Russian bombers and fighters near Alaska, often during military drills or long-range patrols. The growing boldness in maneuvers and near misses has elevated tensions, especially as U.S.-Russia relations remain strained amid ongoing geopolitical tensions.

The release of the video by NORAD has prompted discussions on the risks of such encounters escalating into more severe confrontations. Military experts note that while both sides generally aim to avoid direct conflict, incidents like this underscore the risky brinkmanship unfolding in international airspace. With Russian aircraft persistently probing U.S. defenses, the potential for miscalculations increases, further complicating the delicate relationship between the two countries.

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Written by Western Reader

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