
Scarcity of Ammunition in the United States – Conservative Brief

The government keeps supplying more lethal weaponry, such as cluster bombs, for use by Ukraine against Russia. Meanwhile, GOP leaders are condemning President Biden for acknowledging the United States has a limited supply of its own ammo.

Conflict Over US Weapons

“This is a conflict involving weapons.”

In a conversation with CNN on Friday, Biden justified his choice to supply Ukraine with lethal cluster arms after learning they had become short on supply, as well as that we’ve been getting low on them.

Biden correctly recognized his administration has not fully equipped the United States for big conflict, according to Sen. Tom Cotton, who spoke to

Cotton, an ex-U.S. Army combat officer who serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, stated:

“The president is correct. His administration has not done well to ready the United States for a major conflict, especially significantly expediting munitions production.”

Rep. Jim Banks additionally stated to that while he is “glad” Biden addressed the issue, he declined to accept responsibility for the cause of the ammo shortage.

The U.S. would run out of essential ammunition in less than seven days in a hot battle with China, according to Banks.

Banks next proceeded by stating that Republicans in this current Congress have made replenishing the American stockpiles a top priority. This has to be done in order to represent power internationally.

A White House representative appeared to retract the president’s remark after the CNN interview broadcast.

White House Says US is Fine

According to a White House official, “the military has particular demands for the numbers of weaponry and ammunition we preserve in our stockpiles in case of emergencies or military conflict.”

“Every single thing we give to Ukraine is more than that. Therefore, the United States has not run out of ammunition.”

This article appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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