
Shocking Discovery Unveils Disturbing Truth Behind Chinese Presence in Cuba

After President Joe Biden’s announcement that the United States would not interfere if China invades Taiwan, China has taken advantage of this weak response and is establishing a military base in Cuba.

Although it was revealed a few weeks ago, the purpose of this base was unknown at that time. Now, it is clear that China intends to use it as a training ground for their troops, which is extremely concerning.

China may be preparing for an invasion

Negotiations between Cuba and China are in the final stages.

Despite no agreement being reached yet, President Biden has made little effort to prevent this from happening, only offering advice to Cuba on how to make the deal beneficial for them.

Cuba is unlikely to reject this deal. Our only hope now is that China will abandon plans for the military base and pursue other endeavors that are not uncomfortably close to the United States.

Initially, the Biden administration dismissed reports of the deal between China and Cuba as fake, but it didn’t take long for them to realize the truth of the situation.

Even when presented with the national security implications, the Biden administration’s response to this situation has been inadequate, highlighting President Biden’s incompetence.

Cuba undermines US interests

Allowing China to establish a presence so close to the United States mainland could lead to significant trouble. They could station troops on the island and gather intelligence from nearby US military bases.

Moreover, this facility is part of China’s “Project 141,” which aims to expand Chinese global military influence and create a logistical support network accessible worldwide.

China is thus ahead of the United States in terms of preparedness in the event of a major conflict. With thousands of their troops stationed just outside our borders, our position is far from advantageous.

Finally, this situation could provide China with opportunities to invade the United States with relative ease. While some may argue this is unlikely due to the presence of US military forces nearby, China possesses significant military advantages over the United States, with technologically advanced weapons systems that surpass our own.

President Biden’s decision to not assist Taiwan in defending against China, combined with allowing China to establish such close proximity, may prove to be extremely dangerous.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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