
Startling Revelations Surface Regarding Suspected Pennsylvania Killer

The United States continues to struggle with major mental health crises. This is very clear when observing the amount of people lashing out against others and committing violent crimes, such as assaults and mass shootings.

Typically, in these sorts of situations, Democrats argue that the offenders’ personal struggles or a lack of gun control are to blame. However, these narratives just don’t hold up. They also ignore times where guns were abundant, yet crime rates weren’t where they are today.

Now, yet another horror story of a killer, this time in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has emerged. The suspect in question is Kimbrady Carriker, a biological male who self-identifies as a woman, according to the Daily Mail.

Americans Deserve Answers

When Carriker went through Philadelphia on July 3, opening fire on unsuspecting people at random, reports broke that five individuals died, whereas seven others sustained serious injuries. Though, there’s a little bit more to the story.

Before Carriker was taken into custody for his crimes on the 3rd, he also gunned down another man about 24 hours earlier. This has raised questions about why Carriker wasn’t apprehended by law enforcement immediately after the incident on July 2.

Had he been promptly taken into custody, there are multiple people who would still be alive today. The other folks who sustained injuries after being shot by Carriker on the 3rd also could have been spared.

A Disturbing Case

As the case involving Carriker continues being investigated, it’s come to light that he already had an extensive criminal record. This follows his troubling history on social media as well, with Carriker documenting his efforts over the years to present as a woman.

America has to address our mental health crisis and other ills. Until some serious solutions are put in place, criminals like Carriker will keep terrorizing communities.

What do you think?

Written by Western Reader

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