
Taliban Urges International Islamic Community to Unite Against Israel

The Taliban, also known officially as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, has released a statement urging the international Islamic community and global community as a whole to take action against Israel. This statement comes in the aftermath of the recent Israel-Hamas conflict, and the Taliban attributes the conflict to what they perceive as Israeli Zionist violations of Palestinian rights. The Taliban also expresses concern over insults and disrespect towards Muslim holy places.

The Taliban’s statement emphasizes their support for any form of defense and resistance by the Palestinian people in their fight for freedom. The group calls on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and influential countries in the region to intervene in the conflict and prevent violence against innocent Palestinians. This plea from the Taliban highlights their desire for a resolution that recognizes the legitimate rights of Palestinians.

Recent reports suggest that US weapons left behind in Afghanistan have made their way into the hands of Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip. These weapons were reportedly smuggled out of Afghanistan following the US Army’s hasty withdrawal in 2021. The availability of American-made arms has increased due to the Taliban’s resurgence in Afghanistan, and they are now being sold in the south of the country. Additionally, there are claims that US weapons purchased from the Taliban have surfaced in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

The Taliban’s statement following the Israel-Hamas conflict signifies their stance on the issue. Their call for Islamic nations and the international community to act against Israel holds significant implications for the dynamics of the Middle East conflict. The response of the global community to this call remains to be seen as the situation continues to evolve.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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