
Texas Gas Balloon Pilots Escape Crash Despite Being Fired Upon

A gas balloon crashed into power lines in North Texas while attempting to land amid gunfire, according to the pilot. The two pilots, Krzystotf Zapart and Pjotr Halas, both survived the crash and are currently receiving treatment in the hospital.

Zapart and Halas were representing the Polish national team in the Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race when their hydrogen-filled balloon was reportedly shot at, causing them to make an emergency landing.

“We heard more and more automatic guns. It was not one shot. It was, ‘Do, do, do, do, do, do!’” Zapart recounted.

The balloon burst into flames upon hitting the power lines. However, the pilots were saved by some good Samaritans who happened to be nearby. Israel Alfaro, a Dallas English teacher, was among those who helped rescue the pilots from the burning basket.

“You looked in the basket and could barely see because of the flames and the smoke,” Alfaro said.

Zapart suffered cuts and burns and an injury to his ribcage, while Halas sustained more serious burns and a broken bone. Alfaro later visited Halas in the hospital and expressed relief at seeing him in a much better condition than on the night of the accident.

“We thank God we were able to help him out. And there at the right time,” he said.

Zapart voiced concerns that they might have been mistaken for a Chinese spy balloon, which he believes is a significant issue for balloonists. “Most people in the West thinking about Chinese spy balloons,” he said. “I think it is a big problem for us.”

Despite their efforts to find a safe place to land, the pilots couldn’t avoid the power lines. The Crandall Police Department stated that it had not received any reports about shots being fired at the balloon.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is currently investigating the crash. A race spokesperson expressed hope for the pilots’ quick recovery, stating, “Both of these pilots are very experienced in gas ballooning.”

This incident underscores the potential dangers faced by gas balloonists and raises questions about the safety measures in place for such events. It also highlights the bravery and quick thinking of ordinary citizens like Alfaro, who stepped in to help in a crisis situation.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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