
The Collaboration between Biden’s FBI and Ukraine’s SBU in Restricting American Social Media Access

The House Judiciary Committee released documents that reveal the FBI colluded with the Security Service of Ukraine to censor Americans online.

The Ukrainian Intelligence Agency consistently sent spreadsheets to the FBI with platforms like Meta, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and others. These spreadsheets contained numerous accounts marked for deletion, according to the House Judiciary GOP.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) stems from the old Soviet-era Committee for State Security (KGB), even inheriting the old structure, staff, and mode of operations.

Ukraine’s SBU Alleged to be Infiltrated by Russian Aligned Operatives that Purged Opposing Accounts

In a House Judiciary report, it was found the SBU was allegedly infiltrated by Russian-aligned operatives that regularly sent spreadsheets containing accounts to be terminated.

In April 2023, an SBI spokeswoman said that FSB agents had successfully penetrated Ukraine’s SBU security service and local government, collaborating with fugitive pro-Moscow Ukrainian officials to undermine the nation’s stability from within.

These spreadsheets were then forwarded to the FBI by the SBU, resulting in thousands of accounts expressing dissenting viewpoints being shut down for “disinformation,” including journalists the US State Department verified.

The FBI even offered legal assistance to the respective social media companies if problems arose from shutting down the numerous accounts.

House Judiciary Highlights the FBI Engaged in Unconstitutional Behavior

The FBI and the SBU, via email, were found to have sent Meta spreadsheets with accounts marked to be purged.

According to the House Judiciary Committee, the significant level of collaboration between the SBU, FBI, and US social media platforms is a matter of concern. Further investigation is being conducted to ascertain the extent of the FBI’s engagement with the SBU.

Recently, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction restricting government agencies such as DHS, FBI, DOJ, and others from engaging in a government-wide collaboration with Big Tech to suppress speech.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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