
Tim Walz Caught on Viral Video Making False Claims About Military Service

A viral
has emerged showing Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz inaccurately asserting that he served in a war, though he did not experience combat during his military tenure. The video, sparking allegations of “stolen valor,” captures Walz stating, “We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war”​.

Walz, who served in the Army National Guard for 24 years and retired in 2005, did partake in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Italy, not in active combat zones like Afghanistan or Iraq. The Minnesota National Guard has confirmed that while Walz’s unit was engaged in OEF, his duties were centered on training units in artillery​.

This is not the first instance where questions have been raised about Walz’s military service record. During his 2006 congressional campaign, he characterized himself as a “veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom,” a term commonly associated with service in Afghanistan. This descriptor has led to misconceptions among some of his constituents, who believed he had combat experience​.

The scrutiny intensified following Walz’s selection as Kamala Harris’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election. Critics, including GOP vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance, have accused Walz of leaving his unit before their deployment to Iraq. Vance remarked, “You abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq,” during a campaign event​.

Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends, who served with Walz, stressed that Walz’s remarks could be interpreted as implying combat involvement. Behrends remarked on Fox News, “To most people, that would mean that he was actually in combat, carrying a weapon in a combat zone”​.

Walz has previously acknowledged that he did not engage in combat, stating in a 2018 interview that he “gained far more from the military” than what he contributed. Nonetheless, the presentation of his military service by his campaign continues to spark confusion and controversy​.

The Harris campaign has defended Walz, highlighting his deployment to Italy in support of OEF. However, detractors argue that serving in Italy does not equate to being in a combat zone, a distinction they deem essential​.

As the 2024 election intensifies, Walz’s military service remains a key point of contention, underscoring the broader issue of how military achievements are portrayed in political campaigns​.

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Written by Western Reader

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