
Trump issues a direct warning to woke schools

Children across the country are being consistently exposed to woke, far-left beliefs, such as critical race theory. Despite parents expressing their opposition to these ideologies being forced upon their children, schools and educators are not listening.

As a result, various states are taking action, and there is growing support for federal measures to address this issue.

During the 2024 presidential election, education, the prevalence of woke culture in schools, and efforts to protect children have become increasingly discussed topics.

In this regard, former President Trump has made a significant promise, as highlighted by the Gateway Pundit.

During a campaign event in Iowa, Trump stated that schools insisting on promoting woke culture would lose federal funding if he is reelected. He emphasized that he would achieve this by signing an executive order.

In addition to eradicating woke culture from schools, Trump also promised to protect women’s sports and put an end to child mutilation disguised as “gender-affirming care.”

Later in his speech, Trump expressed his commitment to implementing these policies without delay. He pledged to make them happen on “day one,” asserting that no other candidate has taken a stronger stance on these issues.

As the election continues, other candidates will be expected to share their plans for protecting children, combatting woke culture in schools, and ensuring that schools focus on educating rather than indoctrinating young people.

Like Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been raising concerns about woke culture and the indoctrination of young children. As DeSantis competes with Trump for the nomination, he has repeatedly highlighted his record as governor in addressing these issues affecting Americans.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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