
Trump Rejects GOP Loyalty Pledge, Casts Doubt on Debate Attendance

In a surprising move, former President Trump has made it clear that he will not sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party. This decision raises questions about his potential participation in future GOP debates.

During an interview with Newsmax, Trump expressed his dismissal of the idea of signing such a pledge. He questioned the value of the gesture, stating, “Why would I sign a pledge if there are people on there that I wouldn’t have?”

Trump’s refusal to sign the pledge is justified by his concerns of endorsing candidates he does not support. He emphasized that he would not endorse certain individuals, stating, “I can name three or four people that I wouldn’t support for president. So right there, there’s a problem.”

Furthermore, Trump criticized the low entry requirements for the Republican debate. He expressed dissatisfaction with the current system, which allows candidates with minimal polling percentages and national support to participate. Trump argued that this gives unpopular candidates the opportunity to make derogatory remarks against him.

Trump also voiced his concerns about debating against candidates like Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie, who are polling at zero percent and one percent respectively. He believes it is unfair to engage with candidates who have low support but can ask him challenging questions.

Despite his concerns, Trump has not completely ruled out the possibility of participating in the debates. He stated that he would consider it seriously and emphasized the importance of being a smart and capable president.

As the nation awaits further developments, it remains to be seen how Trump’s decision will impact the future of the Republican Party.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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