
Unexpected Changes in Voter Opinion: Trump’s Popularity Rises among Democratic Voters and African Americans

Recent polling data indicates that President Trump is gaining significant traction among traditionally non-Republican demographics.

A Rasmussen poll conducted from October 2-4, 2023, reveals a widening lead for Trump in the upcoming 2024 Election. The poll shows that 38% of voters are “very likely” to vote for Trump, with an additional 15% being “somewhat likely,” totaling a substantial 53%.

The most striking revelation from this poll is the shift in Democratic voter sentiment. An impressive 30% of Democrats are at least “somewhat likely” to vote for Trump, with 19% being “very likely.”

This is a significant increase compared to the 2016 election when Trump received only 5% of Democrat votes. This shift suggests a potential realignment within the Democratic party, or at the very least, a dissatisfaction with their current leadership.

Another noteworthy finding is the support Trump is receiving from younger voters. The poll shows a 55% support rate among voters aged 18-39, a demographic often challenging for Republican candidates to win over. Additionally, 54% of voters aged 40-64 also expressed their likelihood to vote for Trump.

The poll also revealed a surprising shift in the black vote. A remarkable 50% of black voters are at least “somewhat likely” to vote for Trump, while only 46% are not likely at all.

This is a stark contrast to the 2020 election when Biden won 87% of the black vote. This shift could indicate a growing disillusionment with the Democrat Party among black voters.

Among voters labeled as “other,” Trump also leads with 52% at least somewhat likely to vote for him. This broad support across various demographics suggests a growing appeal of Trump’s policies and leadership style.

The poll also explored the potential impact of Trump’s choice of vice president on voter sentiment. The majority of those polled (57%) said the vice president choice would not make much difference.

However, voters aged 18-39 were an outlier with only 27% saying it didn’t make much difference. In that group, 24% and 23% said a woman or a black person as vice president would make them more likely to vote for Trump, respectively.

While these numbers are promising for Trump, it’s important to note the political landscape can change rapidly.

The recent announcement of Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s decision to run as an Independent, and the shocking attack by Hamas against Israel just a month after Joe Biden declared he would unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds, could potentially influence voter sentiment.

This recent poll suggests a surprising shift in voter sentiment towards Trump, particularly among traditionally non-Republican demographics. As we move closer to the 2024 election, it will be interesting to see if these trends continue.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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