
Weight Loss Drugs Linked to Suicidal Thoughts Prompt Growing Worries

The increasing popularity of weight loss drugs raises serious concerns as hundreds of Americans have reported experiencing suicidal thoughts and depression while using these medications.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) has received a total of 265 reports of such mental health issues, with the weight loss drug Ozempic being a significant contributor.

Ozempic, manufactured by Novo Nordisk, is among the drugs that have been linked to these alarming side effects. The family of a man who committed suicide after starting on Ozempic is now advocating for suicide to be listed as an additional side effect on the drug’s warning label.

However, it’s important to note these reports are unverified and can be submitted by both patients and doctors.

The FDA’s reporting system serves as an early warning system for potential side effects that may have been overlooked during clinical trials.

It also helps identify rare side effects from medications. However, careful analysis is required to determine whether these patterns are directly caused by the drug or are due to other factors.

One theory suggests that Ozempic might be linked to suicide in patients because it disrupts their regular eating habits, which could be a coping mechanism for other emotions. It’s also worth noting people who are severely overweight are more likely to be depressed and may be more inclined to take the drug in the first place.

Despite these concerns, instances of suicidal thoughts among those taking these drugs appear to be extremely rare. Reports of suicidal thoughts or feelings were found to make up less than 0.02 percent of the 14,000 reports in the system.

Of the 265 reports related to Ozempic, depression was the most common, making up almost half of the reports.

In 2022, over five million prescriptions for weight management drugs like Ozempic were written, marking an increase of more than 2,000 percent compared to 2019. This surge in usage led to increased scrutiny and monitoring for rare side effects that may have been missed during clinical trials.

European regulators are currently investigating the links between these drugs and suicidal thoughts. Meanwhile, the FDA is evaluating the reports and will decide on any necessary action following a thorough review.

As we continue to battle the obesity epidemic, it’s crucial that we remain vigilant about the potential risks associated with weight loss medications.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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