
95 Kenyan Schoolgirls Experience Unexplained Paralysis

95 schoolgirls from a Kenyan school located approximately 232 miles northwest of Nairobi have been hospitalized due to a mysterious paralyzing ‘illness.’

This unexpected health crisis has sparked widespread concern and confusion, prompting health officials to launch an immediate investigation into the cause of this sudden outbreak.

The affected students are from St. Theresa’s Eregi Girls High School in Musoli, a town situated far from the bustling capital city. The girls were reportedly struck down without warning, exhibiting symptoms such as difficulty in walking, uncontrollable shaking, and convulsions.

Disturbing footage circulating on social media platforms appears to show the severity of the situation, with some students being carried by their peers, while others are seen convulsed in what seems to be a hospital setting.

Despite the urgency of the situation, medical professionals remain baffled about the cause of this sudden outbreak. Blood and urine samples from the affected girls have been sent to laboratories for analysis. However, the results have so far failed to identify any pathogens, leaving the medical community and the public in suspense.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, some experts have suggested that the illness could be a case of ‘mass hysteria’. Jared Obiero, the western region director of education, has even speculated that some students might be feigning their sickness, possibly due to the impending end-of-year exams.

This theory, however, has not been substantiated and remains one of many possibilities.

Susan Nakhumicha, Kenya’s health premier, confirmed that no pathogens were identified among the students. She assured that more tests would be conducted to determine the cause of the illness.

Meanwhile, parents have been advised against taking their children out of school, as doing so could potentially spread the disease if it is indeed infectious.

This incident bears a striking resemblance to a similar case in the UK in 2015, where 40 school children were treated for anxiety-based nausea and faintness.

In that instance, it was suspected that a few children fainted due to the warm conditions in the assembly hall, leading to a ripple effect of anxiety-induced symptoms among the rest of the students.

While the Kenyan health officials continue their investigation, the school remains open, albeit amidst a cloud of uncertainty and fear. As we await further updates on this mysterious illness, our thoughts are with the affected students and their families during this challenging time.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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