
Whistleblower Reveals Inside Job in the 2020 Election

The 2020 presidential election was rigged, but not in the way that Trump believed.

Contrary to rumors of duffel bags full of absentee ballots being tabulated by Democrats in Arizona and Georgia offices, the nefarious act that likely cost Trump a second term was actually an inside job.

Trump did not lose due to rigged computers; the deceit was orchestrated from within.

Inside Job

Testimony from two IRS whistleblowers before Congress revealed several bombshells, the most significant being that Trump’s Department of Justice deliberately hindered the Hunter Biden probe, helping Biden win the 2020 election.

When it became apparent that Joe Biden would win the Democratic nomination, the probe was interfered with.

Supervising agent Gary Shapley outlined how he and other IRS agents planned to gather evidence of major tax evasion and other offenses by Hunter. They prepared search warrants for locations in New York, California, Arkansas, and DC.

According to Shapley and other IRS investigators, DOJ lawyers alerted Hunter’s legal team about an unannounced interrogation and a planned search of a storage facility, giving them time to destroy incriminating evidence.

It seems the lawsuit and election were destined to be undermined from the beginning.

According to Shapley and another unidentified agent, their testimonies are explosive, revealing multiple instances of interference by career officers or later Joe Biden appointees.

Shapley, who oversaw a team of 12 IRS investigators, claimed that Justice Department lawyers selectively chose which witnesses to examine. Despite the FBI’s authentication of Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2019, it was not made available to Shapley’s team.

He also alleged that they were instructed “not to look into anything related to President Biden.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland and his corrupt associates wanted to close the case to avoid public backlash. However, Shapley claimed that Garland misled the Senate when he suggested that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss could pursue charges in any district.

Shapley alleged that Biden appointees prevented Weiss from filing charges in DC and California.

Cover Ups

The testimony from the IRS raises doubts about Bill Barr’s tenure as Trump’s Attorney General.

While Barr was aware of the Hunter Biden probe, he apparently did not suspect that corrupt DOJ officials were rigging another presidential election in favor of Joe Biden. The assistance provided to Joe Biden extended beyond impeding his son’s investigation.

The FBI instructed Twitter, Facebook, and other digital companies to remove The Post’s initial reports on the laptop, which showed Joe Biden with Hunter’s associates and those who paid him.

The false narrative of “Russian disinformation” was embraced not only by the agents involved but also by the Biden campaign and 51 former intelligence officials.

The connection between these two schemes remains unclear, but unfortunately, it was effective.

This article appeared in NewsHouse and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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