
Shocking Revelation about Elon Musk Unveiled by Former Jan. 6 Prisoner

January 6 prisoners are facing difficult challenges in 2023. Some are serving long sentences, while others are still waiting for their court dates to determine their sentences.

Reports have emerged of convicted prisoners being subjected to torture while in lockup.

One female prisoner claims that she was forced to strip completely naked before being locked in a room with the lights on for four consecutive days.

Jacob Chansley, also known as “QAnon Shaman,” served time in prison and has now revealed some interesting details about Elon Musk, according to the Gateway Pundit.

Not What You’d Expect

According to Chansley, Elon Musk publicly supported him, calling for his release and offering to cover his legal expenses.

However, there is a twist. The former January 6 prisoner claims that Musk did not follow through on his offer to pay his legal expenses.

Chansley told the New York Post that despite Musk’s public support, Musk did not contact him or his attorney after he was released from prison.

Chansley called on Musk to back up his words with actions and questioned some of Musk’s public decisions.

Empty Promises?

So far, Elon Musk has not paid the legal fees that Chansley incurred since January 6. Additionally, the new owner of Twitter has not responded publicly to the statements made by the former January 6 prisoner about him.

It seems that Musk has no intention of addressing the issue. He recently announced plans to rebrand Twitter as he seeks to take it to the next level.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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