
Bizarre Spat Erupts Between Trump’s Potential 2024 Competitors due to Disney’s “Woke” Stance

Amid the 2024 presidential election, a feud has erupted between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley over DeSantis’ handling of the Disney controversy.

The Disney-DeSantis War

DeSantis has been engaged in a battle with woke Disney, which has led to several issues arising concerning his fight against the company.

The woke corporate hypocrites have been trying to regain their influence over Florida’s administration, institutions, and policies.

This struggle has exposed DeSantis to attacks from other potential Republican candidates for the 2024 nomination. Nikki Haley has criticized him for wasting Florida taxpayers’ money in legal actions against Disney.

Haley Goes After DeSantis

During a CNBC interview, Haley criticized DeSantis for using state money to sue Disney.

Haley’s criticism came after she was questioned about her stance on the Disney-DeSantis conflict and the importance of the free market.

Haley mentioned her time as South Carolina governor and her efforts to maintain a good relationship with the business community for the sake of the economy.

She initially disagreed with Disney when they attacked DeSantis last year over legislation on parents’ rights in their children’s education, stating that companies should stay out of politics.

However, Haley criticized DeSantis for spending taxpayer money on “suing companies.”

It is unclear how long this feud will continue and who else might get caught in the middle. DeSantis has made it clear that he has no intention of backing down.

This article appeared in The State Today and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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