
Mayor of New Jersey Conducts Startling Ambush on James O’Keefe

Joseph Signorello, the Mayor of Roselle Park, New Jersey, attempted to ambush James O’Keefe, a renowned investigative journalist.

This incident occurred after O’Keefe exposed school board officials for their discriminatory actions against citizens who appeared to be supporters of former President Trump, or as they termed it, looked “Trumpish.”

O’Keefe, known for his hard-hitting journalism and unflinching pursuit of truth, recently revealed certain school board officials were calling the police on citizens based solely on their perceived political affiliations.

This revelation sent shockwaves through the community, raising serious questions about the impartiality of these officials.

Signorello, who is also a US Senate Candidate, reportedly asked O’Keefe for a hidden camera in an attempt to ambush him.

O’Keefe shared this information on Sunday, stating, “New Jersey Mayor and US Senate Candidate Michael Signorello asks me for an OMG hidden camera in an attempt to ambush me.”

The situation escalated when Signorello claimed that O’Keefe had no right to attend the Roselle Park school board meeting since he didn’t have children in the district.

In a twist of irony, it was revealed Signorello himself doesn’t have kids in the district either. This hypocrisy further fueled the controversy surrounding the incident.

Earlier in the week, O’Keefe Media Group had released 20 minutes of police bodycam footage. This footage showed New Jersey school board officials calling the police on citizens they didn’t recognize and who they thought looked “Trumpish.”

According to O’Keefe, “The police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of school board meeting attendees who looked different.”

This footage was obtained through FOIA requests and is the first in a series of police body cam recordings, as stated by O’Keefe. The video provides a chilling insight into what school board officials and police think of ‘Trumpish’ people when they believe the cameras aren’t rolling.

On August 8, Livingston school board officials called the police on citizens simply because they didn’t recognize them.

Toni McLaughlin, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, told the police officer, “They’re different looking. Um, they look Trumpish. They look a little scary.”

This blatant bias and discrimination against citizens based on their appearance or perceived political leanings is deeply concerning.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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