
Allegations Surface Against DC Officials for Mistreatment of Jan. 6 Prisoners

In the over two years since the January 6 protests at the US Capitol, many Americans have received considerable prison sentences. Others are either still being apprehended or waiting to have their day in court.

Disturbing accounts have come out about these folks being mistreated, abused, denied phone calls, and jeered at by corrections officers.

Meanwhile, law enforcement officials at the federal level have stated they intend to hunt down any and everyone who was even close to the Capitol over two years ago.

The authorities have even gone so far as to surveil individuals’ banking information to discover their whereabouts.

Unfortunately, more disturbing reports continue to emerge, as the Gateway Pundit sheds light on. This time, the information deals with people already convicted of protests being tortured while in prison.

A Horrifying Case

Jessica Watkins is presently serving an over eight-year prison sentence for protesting on January 6. However, her account of what’s going on behind bars is nothing short of chilling.

According to Watkins, her clothes were taken away from her before she was tossed in a jail cell for four consecutive days. The cell also had bright lights on, making it nearly impossible for her to go to sleep.

This objectively constitutes torture, but the story only gets worse. Watkins’ situation has gotten so dire that she’s been driven to engage in self-harm as her only means of coping and taking back control of her situation.

This Cannot Stand

Needless to say, what DC law enforcement officers are subjecting January 6 prisoners to is nothing short of vicious and illegal.

Jessica Watkins’ case calls for a full investigation of the conditions these prisoners are being subjected to. Likewise, officers who have engaged in torture and other human rights violations should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

This article appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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