
Barry Ramey: A Victim of the J6 Political Prisoner Dilemma

Barry Ramey, a political prisoner associated with January 6th, has come forward to expose the inhumane conditions he and his fellow inmates are enduring.

Ramey’s harrowing account of his experiences within the prison walls is a chilling reminder of the gross violation of human rights happening right under our noses.

Ramey, who was arrested on April 21, 2022, and later sentenced to 60 months for his involvement in the Capitol incident, reached out to the Gateway Pundit to share his story.

He describes a grim reality in prison, where basic constitutional rights are suspended, medical care is denied, and even religious services are prohibited.

According to Ramey, the violence escalated to the point where he was stabbed in the face simply for watching Tucker Carlson.

This incident exemplifies the extreme violence these prisoners face based on their political beliefs. It exposes the bigotry and prejudice that seem to have infiltrated the correctional system.

Ramey’s fiancée has been trying to keep the public updated on his condition.

She shared a letter from Ramey, written in July, which described the appalling conditions he was living in. Ramey detailed being sleep-deprived, forced to pay for basic needs like clothes and hygiene products, and having his mail discarded because of his political views.

Ramey also wrote another letter to the Gateway Pundit, attempting to capture the horrors of Northern Neck Regional Jail.

He stated, “What we the Jan6ers went through at Northern Neck Regional Jail was egregious on so many levels that I’m not sure I have enough ink in my pen or pages in my notebook to list them all.”

The psychological, physical, and constitutional abuses that occurred within those walls are unimaginable.

Ramey’s fiancée also shared the difficulties she faced while trying to contact him. Despite numerous attempts, she could not reach him by phone or email.

When she finally managed to get through to the prison, she was told that Ramey was in solitary confinement and labeled as “in transit,” which meant he had no access to phone, email, or commissary.

The letter she received from Ramey confirmed her worst fears. He was not allowed out of his cell, was denied medical care, and was treated with complete disregard by the correctional officers.

His requests for basic necessities like toilet paper were ignored, and he had to eat with his hands due to the lack of utensils.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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