
Bee Stings in California Allegedly Trigger Remission of Lyme Disease for Local Woman

29-year-old Prezleigh Colburn from California claims to have put her chronic Lyme disease into remission by voluntarily subjecting herself to thousands of bee stings over two and a half years.

Colburn’s health began deteriorating when she was just 16. She experienced daily seizures, hallucinations, difficulty speaking, uncontrollable laughter, and body spasms.

Despite visiting numerous doctors and receiving various diagnoses, it wasn’t until she consulted a naturopathic medicine doctor that she was accurately diagnosed with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection spread to humans by infected ticks.

When traditional treatments failed to alleviate her symptoms, Colburn and her husband, Joshua, turned to an unconventional method out of desperation – bee venom therapy or apitherapy. The couple started receiving deliveries of 40 bees per week for $15 and even established three beehives of their own.

Joshua Colburn, armed with EpiPens, would apply the bees along his wife’s spine ten times per session, three times a week, allowing the insects to sting her. Despite the excruciating pain, which Mrs. Colburn described as the ‘most painful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life,’ the couple persisted with the therapy.

After about a year into the therapy, Colburn began to notice improvements. She felt less burdened by her symptoms and her mental clarity improved.

The couple stopped the bee venom therapy in June when Mrs. Colburn no longer experienced symptoms. Today, she claims to have regained her normal life, running multiple businesses and raising a family.

However, it’s important to note that while there is evidence of bee venom components being anti-inflammatory, experts warn that bee sting therapy could potentially be extremely dangerous due to allergic reactions. Repeated stings could also cause tissue damage.

Lyme disease is a serious condition transmitted by black-legged ticks carrying either the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi or, more rarely, Borrelia mayonii.

The disease is most common in the upper Midwest, northeastern, and mid-Atlantic states of the US. According to a study published earlier this year in the journal BMJ Global Health, 14 percent of the world’s population could have been infected with the disease.

While Colburn’s story is indeed inspiring, it’s crucial to remember that her method of treatment is not scientifically proven to cure Lyme disease.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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