
Biden Administration Aims to Address Disparities in Kidney Transplants as Part of Equity Agenda

The Biden administration has introduced a controversial plan to prioritize low-income patients for kidney transplants, stating that it aims to address racial inequities in the transplant process according to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra.

This initiative is part of President Biden’s broader “equity agenda” which aims to rectify disparities in various sectors including healthcare.

Revealed on May 8, 2024, the proposal includes a pilot program placing 90 out of the nation’s 257 transplant hospitals into an annual point-based system. In this system, each successful kidney transplant earns the hospital one point, with transplants for low-income patients receiving higher weighting at 1.2 points due to a “health equity performance adjustment.” Hospitals that meet their transplant quotas under this system can benefit from up to $8,000 per transplant, while those that fail to meet their quotas may face fines of up to $2,000 per transplant.

Becerra emphasizes that although the system categorizes patients by income and not race, the objective is to reduce racial disparities. Black Americans, who are disproportionately affected by kidney disease, receive a smaller portion of kidney transplants compared to other demographics. The Biden administration believes that by adjusting the prioritization of transplants, they can make the process more fair.

Critics of the proposal argue that it indirectly uses race as a criterion and may lead to unintended consequences.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a former associate dean at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, expressed concerns that the program could either fail completely or unintentionally prioritize race over medical necessity. He suggested that factors such as patient willingness to pursue transplants and family willingness to donate organs may not be adequately addressed by the proposed system.

The plan has spurred significant debate within the medical community and beyond. Supporters argue that it is a necessary step towards achieving healthcare equity, while opponents fear it could compromise the fairness of the transplant system. If finalized, the program is expected to commence as early as January 2025.

This recent development is part of Biden’s broader initiative for equity across various federal programs and policies, continuing efforts initiated by an executive order signed shortly after he assumed office in January 2021.

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Written by Western Reader

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