
Biden Administration Allegedly Prosecuting Individuals for Simply Using the Bathroom

This may sound unbelievable, but it’s true.

The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) is allegedly seeking to imprison three men who entered the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, simply to use the bathroom.

Where’s the Bathroom?

On January 6, 2021, two men and their elderly father, a pastor, entered the US Capitol.

Upon entering the Capitol building, they informed the officers that they needed to use the restroom. They were then directed inside with the assistance of one of the police officers.

The defendants, David Lesperance, 70, Casey Cusick, a father of three, and his father James Cusick, a 74-year-old pastor, now face the possibility of three years in jail for using the Capitol bathroom on the day of the riot.

During that time, lawmakers were in a room certifying the results of the 2020 election, which Democrats claim Trump supporters attempted to impede.

There is no evidence to suggest that Lesperance or the Cusicks attempted to prevent anything or committed any crimes. Nonetheless, they are now facing the potential of three years in jail.

Three Years In Jail For Using the Bathroom?

Videos from January 6 present a much different depiction than what the treasonous left-wing media has portrayed.

They even show that several police officers took selfies with the protesters, many of whom were later pursued by the FBI.

What kind of “domestic terrorist” takes photos with law enforcement? It seems more likely that the majority of these people were peaceful patriots sending a message!

Despite this, the DOJ is determined to punish these men for simply going to the bathroom:

According to the Justice Department, Casey, James, and David are charged with four federal crimes:

  1. Trespassing on federal property
  2. Troublemaking on private property
  3. “Violently” entering restricted property
  4. Being “disorderly” in the US Capitol

These charges are absurd.

The Bottom Line

The left’s outrageous witch hunt regarding January 6 has significantly weakened and damaged the republic more than any protests or riots on that day.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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