
Thanks to Joe Biden, Trump’s ‘Assassins’ Receive Well-Deserved Consequences

Revenge is an unpredictable matter and fate often takes care of it on its own.

A New York City theater firm that showed former President Trump getting “assassinated” in a deranged interpretation of a Shakespeare play has been hurt badly by the effects of Joe Biden’s brutal failure on the economy.

They Actually Assassinated Trump, Albeit On Stage Only

Back in 2017, just as President Trump was busy making history, many far-left morons were busy literally making fools of themselves.

Prominent among those was the NYC-based Public Theater company. It staged a ludicrous interpretation of “Julius Caesar,” in which it was the 45th president of the United States who was assassinated, instead of the Ancient Roman leader.

Crazily enough, the performance directed by Oscar Eustis, the company’s artistic director, showed Trump getting multiple knife stabs in the United States Senate.

Of course, the nasty and violent mockery of Trump featured a title character who was costumed to resemble him as much as possible for a truly surreal view of idiocy.

Now, those same guys are suffering from what has been done to them by his radical left successor – President Joe “Big Guy Corruption” Biden.

Thank You, Sleepy Joe, for Avenging Trump!

The irony couldn’t be better deserved.

NYC Public Theater has seen itself forced to axe 19% of its staff because of all the niceties of “Bidenomics” – such as “Bidenflation,” among others, The Gateway Pundit reports.

Apparently, the Trump assassins are getting “totally squeezed,” thanks to Empty Shelves Joe, their 80-year-old idol in the White House.

At the end of last week, the leaders of the Public Theater firm said almost 1 in 5 of their workers would be getting a pink slip in an attempt to “save the institution.”

Eustis, Trump’s main artistic “assassin,” told leftist propaganda machine New York Times that the theater’s expenses have spiked by 45%, while attendance has declined by 30%.

He argued the theater kept its “donor base” but that remained “static,” so it was suffering “big budget shortfalls.”

The report concludes that the economic calamity in question has happened to the most deserving “bunch” of Trump haters out there.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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