
Biden Firmly Rejects Claims of Granddaughter’s Existence

President Joe “Big Guy Bribery” Biden is facing accusations of denying the existence of his seventh grandchild, Navy Joan Roberts.

Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, recently confirmed in court that he is the father of the four-year-old girl and has settled a child support case related to her.

Disowned Granddaughter

Hunter Biden’s promiscuity and sex addiction have been well-documented, with allegations that he funded his lifestyle through corruption and bribery from Russian oligarchs and Chinese Communist Party operatives.

The Biden family’s actions have brought disgrace upon the nation and the White House, affecting the lives of innocent individuals like four-year-old Navy Joan Roberts, whom Hunter Biden fathered during an encounter with a former DC stripper.

According to a report, 80-year-old Joe Biden has “disowned” his granddaughter Navy, even though he is still presented in the media as a loving family man.

Not only are the Bidens denying the existence of Hunter’s daughter publicly, but they are also telling White House staffers that Joe Biden has only six grandchildren, intentionally excluding Navy Joan Roberts.

This revelation has sparked outrage, as Navy Joan will turn five soon, and many view the Bidens’ denial of her existence as cruel.

Even NYT Cares for Little Navy Joan

The New York Times has reported that White House staff are instructed to state that Joe Biden has only six grandchildren, excluding Navy Joan Roberts.

The article also reveals that Navy Joan is aware of her father’s identity and the fact that her grandfather is the president.

NYT reporter Ken Vogel notes that although the little girl talks about Hunter and Joe Biden, she has never met them.

Last month, Hunter settled the child support case with Navy Joan’s mother after requesting a reduction in the monthly payment.

The details of the settlement have not been publicized, but it is known that Navy Joan will receive some of her father’s paintings.

It remains to be seen how long Joe and Jill Biden will continue denying Navy Joan’s existence, as she grows up and starts asking questions publicly.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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