
Biden Proposes Measures to Assist Undocumented Residents in Accessing Voting Rights in 2024

With the southern border in worse shape than ever and illegal aliens crossing over via the new Homeland Security ONE app, the Biden regime is rubbing its hand.

The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) is moving to ensure that voter ID laws get struck down in as many places as possible.

Their latest target is a new law in Arizona that has commonsense requirements for voting: Biden’s DOJ wants it gone.

What’s the Law?

The recently-signed Arizona law is House Bill 2492. It’s fairly simple: to vote in Arizona, you need to show that you’re a US citizen.

It was already made law four months ago by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, but now Biden’s DOJ is trying to undo it.

According to a motion filed by the Biden DOJ in court several days ago, House Bill 2492 is “unconstitutional” and violates “civil rights.” Yes, this is seriously what they’re claiming.

Violates Human Rights? What About the Constitution?

Assistant AG Kristen Clarke of the DOJ’s “Civil Rights” department has publicly spoken about trying to strike down the Arizona law.

According to her, the law requiring proof of citizenship is “onerous” and an “unnecessary requirement” that makes it harder for those who are allowed to vote.

She claims this law undoes a lot of “progress” on voter rights and needs to be nullified because it violates the National Voter Registration law of 1993. According to that law, you need to promise you’re a citizen, but you don’t actually need to provide physical proof.

Arizona tried to pass a law requiring citizenship verification in 2013, but it was struck down by SCOTUS since the voter registration law federally overrules state legislation.

Arizona dealt with this by making citizenship proof requirements for anyone voting in state elections, as they were unable to do so for federal elections.

In 2020, Joe Biden officially won Arizona by 10,457. There were 11,600 votes from those registered to vote only federally who did not provide proof of citizenship.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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