
Biden’s Performance Has Been Underwhelming, Evident Even Among Democrats

A recent poll from NBC News reveals that Joe Biden’s performance is concerning. Only 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s approach to the economy, which has been dubbed “Bidenomics.” Even media outlets that lean left are calling for him to step down.

According to “Meet the Press” anchor Chuck Todd, the American public is not satisfied. Only 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, and a mere 20% believe the country is heading in the right direction.

Biden is trying to convince voters that the economy is stronger than they think.


Bidenomics is characterized by high mortgage interest rates, rising inflation rates, bank failures, expensive consumer goods, record-high rent, and diminishing retirement savings.

In just one week, the well-known 30-year fixed-rate mortgage increased by 31 basis points to 7.22 percent!

Two years ago, the monthly payment on a $400,000 mortgage was $1,000 lower than it is now.

According to CNBC, the monthly payment of interest and principal on a $400,000 mortgage increased to $2,720 from $2,637.

Despite these significant issues impacting the American people, Biden seems unconcerned about his polling numbers due to the belief that the outcome of the 2024 election is already predetermined.

Track Record

Democrats are likely to employ the same strategy they used in 2020. They will nominate an unfavorable candidate, run the campaign from their basement, hold small rallies with minimal attendance, and rely heavily on mail-in voting.

Furthermore, Democrats will implement drop boxes, electronic voting, accept late ballots after the deadline, continue tallying votes for days after the election, and prevent GOP workers from entering the counting rooms.

Joe Biden is on track to become the most ineffective president in United States history.

The economy is struggling, inflation is skyrocketing, the border is open to all, his family is allegedly involved in a global organized crime ring, and there have been reports of illicit substances in the White House.

Biden has also faced criticism for his inappropriate behavior with children, difficulty completing coherent sentences, alleged illicit arms sales to Ukraine, and his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan resulting in the loss of American soldiers.

This article appeared in NewsHouse and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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