
Bowman’s Fire Alarm Fiasco Debunked by Marjorie Taylor Greene

In a recent video, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene debunked a controversial claim made by Representative Jamaal Bowman. The claim was that Bowman had to pull a fire alarm to exit the Cannon House Office Building, causing an unnecessary evacuation and delaying a crucial vote in Congress.

Greene’s video begins at the door where Bowman claimed he had to resort to pulling the fire alarm. She pointed out that these doors are typically open on weekdays, a fact well-known to every member of Congress.

However, Greene explained that on weekends, these doors are locked, with only certain doors remaining accessible. She questioned the role of a fire alarm in opening the exit door, highlighting that it doesn’t instruct people to pull it for that purpose.

The video showed Greene walking through the building, reaching the same staircase used to evacuate the building after Bowman’s fire alarm incident. She presented two options available to members of Congress: going down the stairs to the basement and walking through a tunnel to the Capitol or exiting onto New Jersey Avenue. She emphasized that the latter option is open all the time.

Greene accused Bowman of intentionally disrupting the legislative process, stating that he didn’t pull the fire alarm to rush to vote but rather knew what he was doing. She called for Bowman’s prosecution, comparing his actions to those of the January 6 defendants and President Trump.

The video serves as a reminder of the lengths some politicians will go to disrupt the legislative process. It debunks Bowman’s claim and highlights the need for accountability in the political system.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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