
Canada Prepares for Possible Far-Right Shift in the U.S.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Canada is preparing for a potential shift in its southern neighbor’s political direction.

Thomas Juneau, a national security professor at the University of Ottawa, suggested the idea of the United States drastically diverging from Canada’s political path may not be as far-fetched as it once seemed.

In recent years, global volatility has surged, leading to scenarios once considered improbable now being within the realm of possibility. This includes the prospect of the U.S. adopting a more authoritarian stance, which could have significant implications for Canada.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, currently vying against Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, has been vocal in his support for the rights of Americans to donate to convoy protesters.

This stance reflects a broader trend of American politicians challenging traditional norms and alliances.

The potential fallout for Canada could be substantial.

Juneau warns of possible political refugees, economic protectionism disrupting one of the world’s largest trading relationships, and a jolt to Ottawa’s reliance on the U.S. for intelligence-sharing and scientific cooperation.

These concerns extend beyond missile defense and military protection.

Juneau raises the question of how an increasingly unilateral U.S., dismissive of traditional alliances like NATO or arrangements like NORAD, could impact Canada’s security.

Furthermore, there are concerns about potential American intervention in Canadian democratic processes, with right-wing U.S. politicians expressing support for the “Freedom Convoy” protests in 2022.

Historically, the U.S. has shown a tendency to withdraw from the world stage, as seen during Obama’s administration and amplified under Trump. This retreat had global repercussions, creating a vacuum quickly filled by rival powers and enabling Russia’s expansion.

This sensitive topic is not exclusive to Canada. Other democratic allies of the U.S. are likely considering their own contingency plans, albeit discreetly.

The risk of America withdrawing from the world stage has prompted calls for closer ties between Ottawa and Europe as a protective measure.

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly confirmed Canada is working on various scenarios in response to a potential far-right, authoritarian shift in the U.S. after the upcoming presidential election.

While details remain undisclosed, Joly assures Canada has a game plan to manage any potential difficulties.

Joly’s comments echo her government’s experience dealing with the Trump administration, which sought to limit long-established trade in crucial sectors.

With Trump running for the Republican nomination again and promising “retribution” against his opponents, Canada feels its preparedness for a potential shift in U.S. politics is more critical than ever.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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