
Christian Couple Files Lawsuit Against Liberal State for Discrimination in Adoption Process

Joe Biden’s America is a place where patriots, conservatives, and Christians are blamed and hated. From the school curriculum to the unhinged speeches given by Biden, it’s clear that people of faith are being singled out for hate.

Now, one Christian couple in Massachusetts are suing their commonwealth (state) for religious discrimination. Mike Burke and his wife Kitty say they were turned down for taking in foster kids because of their religious beliefs.

The religious freedom law firm Becket handles many cases involving people who are treated unfairly due to faith. The Burkes want to ensure kids don’t miss out on a loving place to live because the government disagrees with Christian views.

They believe in traditional ideas of gender, marriage, and life because it’s in their Catholic faith. There couldn’t be a more qualified couple, with Mike a patriot and veteran who did a tour in Iraq and Kitty a trained nurse for disabled people.

Neither have any criminal record and are successful entrepreneurs who help at their church.

Years of dreaming about becoming parents and going through the process were shattered when state authorities let them know they weren’t eligible.

As the Burkes say, they now know Massachusetts prefers kids go to sleep in “hallways of hospitals” than let them adopt.

Beckets is a respected firm and the Burkes stand a good chance of winning this. Massachusetts currently has more than 1,500 kids in foster care of the state without a home.

Many of them are even put into temporary hospital rooms because there’s not enough foster facility room.

Mike and his wife were qualified and moving through the process; however, during the interviews, they were grilled on their views of trans kids and sexuality.

Mike and Kitty gave the obvious answers that they would always love their kid, but do not believe transgenderism is in line with their beliefs. They were ultimately turned down with the comment that their beliefs aren’t “supportive.”

Let’s hope this lawsuit sets a new precedent. Wokeness needs to be kicked out the exit door and never come back again.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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