
Major Development in Trump’s Competition Against Ron DeSantis

Donald Trump, a potential candidate for the 2024 presidential election, has received encouraging news. He is currently leading in New Hampshire with 43% support, putting him far ahead of his competitor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis and Chris Christie, who ran unsuccessfully in 2016, are tied for second place with only 9% support, while Trump enjoys a substantial 43%.

New Hampshire, as the first state to cast its votes after the Iowa caucuses, serves as an important indicator of a candidate’s campaign strength.

Unless the race becomes an all-you-can-eat buffet, Chris Christie is in serious trouble. Ron DeSantis may also face an early exit from the race.

Nationally, DeSantis has been polling at around 17%, while Trump holds a commanding 42%. Unless DeSantis can significantly bridge that gap, it is difficult to envision him becoming the 2024 candidate.

Even other candidates like Senator Tim Scott, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum are receiving similar levels of support in New Hampshire as DeSantis.

However, this level of support is extremely minimal and may only result in a modest book deal once their respective campaigns inevitably conclude in defeat.

Even if DeSantis were to secure the remaining 13% of undecided voters in New Hampshire, he would still only reach 22%, significantly trailing behind Trump.

While DeSantis has access to funds and political insiders, he lacks the fervent grassroots support that Trump enjoys.

At this point, it is difficult to envision a path to victory for DeSantis unless he becomes significantly more charismatic and remarkable.

Despite his numerous accomplishments, today’s primary voters are highly swayed by controversy and charisma. They seek a candidate who can put on a compelling show.

At this stage, there is no show quite like the Trump show, and whether one likes it or not, DeSantis’ attempt to compete on a more subdued policy level is not yielding positive results.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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