
Confirmation of Worst Fears with New WhatsApp Message from Hunter Biden

The ongoing investigation into the Biden crime family turned up even more dirt than many Republicans expected.

The House GOP is continuing to look further into what exactly was going on between Joe and Hunter Biden, Communist China, human trafficking from Ukraine, and sick corruption.

Now, a newly released Whatsapp message is confirming the worst fears of patriots about the Biden regime and its infiltration.

Doing What ‘the Chairman Wants’

The GOP House Oversight Committee released one of the most disturbing WhatsApp messages from Hunter.

In this message, he tells his CEFC (Chinese energy company) associate Gongwen Dong that the Biden family is “the best” at following precisely what “the Chairman wants.”

The Chairman refers to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) linked billionaire Ye Jianming. Jianming also has links to Chinese espionage and spying.

The day following this suspicious text, Hunter’s holding company OWASCO got $100,000 from CEFC for no apparent reason.

An Avalanche of Evidence

This new WhatsApp message from Hunter is being released only days after we found out how IRS whistle-blower Gary Shapley exposed other 2017 Whatsapp messages from Hunter.

The aggressive messages revealed by Shapley included Hunter demanding that a Chinese businessman pay what he owed or face devastating consequences. The threats were directed at CCP member and Chinese financial insider Henry Zhao.

Zhao sunk money into Hunter’s company BHR Partners, an investment bank partly owned by the BOC (Bank of China). Hunter was furious about not getting back the money he claimed Zhao owed him.

GOP Congresswoman Claudia Tenney of New York claims Joe was in the same room as Hunter when his son sent the deranged threats to Zhao.

The Bottom Line

There are more and more highly disturbing links popping up between the Biden crime family and Communist China.

The GOP needs to continue digging, no matter how many times they are threatened. This looks like it may be much worse than anybody ever imagined.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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