
Controversy Arises from RFK Jr.’s Actions in Town Hall Event

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continues to raise eyebrows these days. Amid his run to challenge Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, he’s managed to gain some support amongst conservatives.

Earning him favor are his open admissions about very real problems connected to COVID vaccines. Likewise, RFK Jr. has repeatedly warned that forcing these vaccines on Americans was both dangerous and a violation of civil liberties.

At the same time, he’s got Democrats seething. Not only are they writing him off as an extremist, but the Democratic National Committee isn’t even hosting debates for this year’s primary election. Many Americans view this as the establishment’s efforts to basically hand Biden the nomination in 2024.

Though during a recent town hall event with Fox News host Sean Hannity, RFK Jr. earned high praise, according to the Gateway Pundit.

This past Tuesday, the Democratic presidential candidate noted that both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin can be effective ways of fighting off COVID. RFK Jr. then explained that this information isn’t common knowledge because of the mainstream media’s refusal to cover it.

While Hannity gave RFK Jr. a bit of pushback on his claims about COVID treatment methods, the audience at Fox News applauded the presidential candidate.

The points made by RFK Jr. arrive as many Americans remain disillusioned with the legacy media. Fox News is not excluded from this, as conservatives have started condemning the network for going woke and showing sympathy to left-wing agendas.

After his town hall on Tuesday, Democrats immediately pounced. So far, RFK Jr. is being accused of everything from spreading misinformation and conspiracies to actively running in the Democratic primary as an underhanded way of aiding Republicans.

Though despite the constant attacks and censorship he’s facing from his own party, RFK Jr. has been clear that he has no intentions of backing down.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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