
Debate sparked over controversial ‘Diaper Spa’


A new business in Atkinson, New Hampshire has caused controversy and debate among its residents. The recently opened ‘Diaper Spa’ allows adults to engage in roleplay as babies, leading to shock and concern in the small community of approximately 7,000 people.

Founded by Dr. Colleen Murphy, a board-certified integrative medicine physician and sexologist, the establishment offers services tailored to the adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) community. These services include activities such as playtime, story time, nap time, cuddle time, and changing time, with seasonal activities like making snow angels in the winter or playing with water wings in the summer. The spa emphasizes that all interactions are non-sexual, with a strict policy against any sexual activity.

Despite the spa’s assurances, local residents have expressed their unease. A petition was launched by a concerned citizen, Kayla Gallagher, expressing the community’s concern regarding the potential threats to the safety and well-being of children in the area. Residents are worried about the type of individuals the spa may attract and the implications it could have on the community.

The spa’s clientele is limited to those over the age of 21 who can provide consent, and all clients are screened against the National Sex Offender Database prior to their appointments. Dr. Murphy has defended her business, stating that the services offered help individuals process childhood traumas and provide a sense of safety they may have lost.

Critics argue that while the spa may claim to offer therapeutic benefits, the nature of the activities and the target demographic raise ethical questions. The concept of adults seeking to relive their infancy through such immersive experiences is difficult for many to understand or accept, especially within a conservative framework that values traditional family structures and behaviors.

The pricing of the spa’s services has also raised eyebrows, with virtual playdates costing $200 an hour, nursery spa care at $300 an hour, and a 24-hour premier spa experience priced at a steep $1,500. This has led some to question the financial motivations behind the spa and whether it truly operates in the best interest of its clients.

As the debate continues, the Diaper Spa stands as a testament to the diverse and often divisive nature of modern society. While some see it as a harmless outlet for a niche group, others view it as a disturbing development that challenges the moral fabric of the community.

As Atkinson grapples with this unusual business, the discussion around personal freedom versus community standards remains fervently alive.


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Written by Western Reader

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