
DeSantis Remains Unfazed by Trump’s Insults in Recent Interview

Since he entered the 2024 presidential election at the end of May, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been the talk of the town. DeSantis aims to secure the Republican Party’s nomination for president, which will put him up against Joe Biden.

The Florida governor continues to maintain that his record on policy and accomplishments is why he’s the best chance Republicans have. DeSantis also asserts that if he secures the GOP nomination, he’ll be sworn into the White House in January 2025, hence making Biden a one-term president.

However, as DeSantis campaigns for the GOP nomination, he’s taking heat from not just Democrats, but also other Republicans who want to take home the win.

In a new interview, DeSantis brushed off these attacks as meaningless, according to Breitbart News.

The MediaBuzz Interview

While appearing on Fox News’ MediaBuzz, DeSantis claimed he’s unphased and unbothered by various criticism Trump continues to lob at him.

The Florida governor said he doesn’t plan to get in the weeds with Trump like this, owing to the fact that some voters get turned off by childish insults.

DeSantis then hit Trump on policy, claiming that Trump failed to build the border wall, lower the national debt, and drain the swamp, despite promising to do all of these things.

Later, the Florida governor also called out the ex-president for handing America over to Fauci when COVID hit. Before his interview concluded, DeSantis said Republicans have to rise above petty insults and actually focus on the policy issues at hand.

More From DeSantis

Next month, the Florida governor will be on stage during the first GOP primary debate in the 2024 presidential election. Here, Republican voters will get a closer look at DeSantis’ policies, how he compares to other candidates seeking the GOP nomination, and more.

In the meantime, DeSantis is touring across the United States to connect with voters and make his case for election.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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