
DHS’ $20 Million Initiative: Striking a Balance Between Community Support and Civil Liberties?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently provided $20 million in funding to various institutions, including universities, mental health providers, youth services organizations, schools, churches, and state law enforcement agencies.

The goal is to identify potential ‘extremists’ within the American population and intervene before they engage in violence.

This funding comes from the DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3), which was established in fiscal 2020. So far, CP3 has awarded $70 million in grants to private nonprofits, state, and local government agencies.

The program’s mission is to enhance the nation’s ability to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.

CP3 follows a public health-informed approach by bringing together various stakeholders, including educators, faith leaders, social service providers, nonprofits, law enforcement, and community partners.

The aim is to address systemic factors that contribute to violence while strengthening protective factors at the local level to ensure community safety, well-being, and resilience.

However, there are concerns about the program’s focus.

Critics argue that instead of focusing on actual terrorists or drug cartel members who enter the country with harmful intentions, the program appears more focused on surveilling law-abiding Americans.

This includes individuals whose political or social views may be considered ‘dangerous’ by the government.

Administered by DHS and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), this program is the only federal grant initiative exclusively dedicated to helping local communities develop and strengthen their capabilities in this area.

However, the vague language used in the grant abstracts raises questions about the program’s transparency and accountability.

The 2023 grant program has identified several priorities.

These priorities include implementing prevention capabilities in small and mid-sized communities, promoting equity in awards, involving underserved communities in prevention efforts, addressing online aspects of targeted violence and terrorism, preventing domestic violent extremism, and enhancing local threat assessment and management capabilities.

Among the recipients of these grants are several universities and organizations with diverse projects.

For example, Boise State University will develop digital products to support human rights education, while the New York Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management will advance Threat Assessment and Management (TAM) teams across the state.

However, critics argue that there are more effective ways to prevent mass shootings and violence, such as implementing armed guards in schools and other “gun-free zones,” evaluating the role of psychotropic drugs in youth treatment, and addressing the country’s moral decline.

They maintain that it’s easier to distribute millions of dollars to groups with a political bias against a significant segment of the U.S. population.

As this program unfolds, it is important for citizens to stay informed and vigilant about how their tax dollars are being utilized and whether these initiatives truly serve the best interests of American communities.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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