
Disney Retracts Previous Statements Suggesting Woke Snow White Photos Were False

Disney is now 


on its previous claims that the authenticity of photos depicting Snow White with “magical creatures’, instead of dwarves, was part of a misunderstanding. 

Disney Said Dwarves Were Removed to “Avoid Reinforcing Stereotypes” 

The photos, released Friday, had the original seven dwarves vacated and replaced with new accomplices exhibiting a range of mixed ethnicities, genders, and heights. 

The Daily Mail 
called the move politically correct, given the removal of the dwarves. At the same time 
The Daily Beast 
said conservatives were upset about the new cast and a Disney representative said the photos were fake. 

However, upon publishing both articles, Disney returned to its original statement, contending that the photos were fake.

Disney explained the decision to modify the portrayal of the dwarfs was made to avoid the perpetuation of stereotypes depicted in the original animated film. 

Old Storyline Failed to Meet Progressive Standards; It Was Even Too Masculine 

Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage criticized the idea of having dwarves in the storyline as backward, saying he has not “screamed” enough to get the point across to the directors. 

Dinklage told Mark Maron on his WTF podcast that having a Latina be Snow White, while still inducing dwarves, was contradictory to the progressive outlook of modern society. 

Masculine chivalry will also be phased out of the upcoming production. Prince Charming was written by co-director Greta Gerwig, who wants to focus on a much stronger Snow White. 

Gerwig said their adaptation presents a revitalizing narrative centered around a young woman with a purpose beyond the traditional notion of waiting for her Prince Charming. 

Ethnicity has also been brought into the spotlight since the original line had Snow White’s skin as “white as snow.” Actress Rachel Zegler, in a deleted tweet, said she’s playing the character, but not dying her skin.

This article appeared in
The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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