
Domestic Terrorism: Fentanyl-Laced Letters Sent to Election Offices

Election offices across the United States have been targeted with suspicious letters containing a white powder. Some of these substances have tested positive for fentanyl, a potent and potentially lethal opioid. This act of domestic terrorism has led to the evacuation of several election offices, causing delays in ballot counting.

The incidents have occurred in key battleground states including Georgia, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington. In some instances, these threatening letters were intercepted before reaching their intended destinations. The FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service have confirmed that four of these letters contained fentanyl, raising concerns about the safety of election workers and the integrity of the electoral process.

In Washington State, four county election offices were evacuated after workers received envelopes containing a mysterious white powder. Subsequent tests revealed that the substance in two of these offices was indeed fentanyl. The affected counties include King, Skagit, Spokane, and Pierce. The Pierce County auditor’s office in Tacoma, Washington, was one of the first to report receiving such an envelope postmarked in Portland, Oregon.

The letters accompanying the powder carried a disturbing message: “End elections now. Stop giving power to the right that they don’t have. We are in charge now and there is no more need for them.” The letters also warned about the susceptibility of ballot drops to noxious chemicals, raising further concerns about the safety of the public and the integrity of the voting process.

Adding to the alarm, the letters featured symbols associated with ANTIFA, a progress pride flag, and a pentagram. This raises questions about the possible involvement of radical left-wing groups in these acts of domestic terrorism.

In Georgia, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger condemned these acts as domestic terrorism. He stated, “This is domestic terrorism, and it needs to be condemned by anyone that holds elected office and anyone that wants to hold elective office anywhere in America.” As a precaution, officials have sent naloxone, an overdose-reversal drug, to the offices.

In California, two suspicious envelopes were intercepted en route to election facilities in Los Angeles and Sacramento. Similarly, in Lane County, Oregon, a piece of mail prompted the closure of the local election office and delayed ballot pickups.

The implications of these incidents extend beyond the immediate threat to public health and safety. The delay in vote counting caused by these evacuations has the potential to compromise the integrity of the votes. It is crucial that those responsible for these acts of terror are held accountable.

These incidents underscore the need for heightened security measures at election offices nationwide. It is essential to ensure the safety of election workers and the integrity of our democratic processes.

In conclusion, these acts of domestic terrorism targeting election offices across the United States are deeply concerning. They represent an attack on our democracy and should be condemned by all who value the principles upon which our nation was founded.

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Written by Western Reader

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