
Donald Hazard Breaks Silence on January 6th Events

Donald Hazard, an American patriot, is the most recent casualty of this criminal government.

Don Speaks Out

Hazard is a native Texan of Hurst and his incarceration took place in December 2021. He was given a sentence of over five years in jail in May, due to what the court called “attacking police officers” in the US Capitol.

Hazard was charged by the DOJ with pulling a policeman down some stairs. He also momentarily infiltrated the US Capitol before being pulled outside by police officials.

Hazard even wrote a letter to Gateway Pundit, outlining his continuous nightmare. In this letter, he details the events that unfolded during the January 6 rally in Washington, D.C.

He asserts the police’s actions on that day were inconsistent, with some officers seemingly allowing protesters to approach the Capitol, while others resorted to excessive force.

Hazard then shared his own experiences of being maced, beaten, and arrested during the tumultuous events of the day.

Police Violence

Following the events of January 6, Hazard found himself arrested and facing serious charges. He discussed his experiences in various jails, his court proceedings, and the sentencing that led to a lengthy prison term.

Despite the challenges, he remains resolute in his determination to restart his life in South Florida, running a wildlife removal business and pursuing a political career to create positive change.

Don Hazard’s life journey is one of redemption, transformation, and activism. From a troubled past to finding faith in God and martial arts, he evolved into a vocal conservative advocate.

His involvement in the January 6 rally had profound repercussions, resulting in legal consequences and a new path toward political activism.

As he faces the uncertainties of the future, he remains determined to bring about positive change and save what he perceives as a nation threatened by serious corruption.

This article appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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