
Colorado Rockies Unveil Horrifying Find

Earlier this month, a gruesome discovery was made in western Colorado.

Three bodies in a mummified state were discovered in a remote area. They have now been identified by Gunnison County coroner Michael Barnes as a family of off-grid campers who tried to make a go of it in the Rockies.

Dead Family Found Near Campground

On July 10, the bodies of Rebecca Vance, 42, her 14-year-old teenage son, and her sister Christine Vance, 41, were found near the Gold Creek campground.

Barnes believes the cause of the deaths is the family must have been unable to face the harsh conditions of the freezing mountains. However, Barnes said only after in-depth analysis will it be possible to know the real cause of the deaths.

On July 9, a camper was hiking in the vicinity of the Gold Creek camp and came across a body. The next day, July 10, police began searching the scene and discovered two more bodies inside a tent.

Inside the tent were several empty food cans; it was an extremely simple and fragile shelter that the family had apparently been using to go off-grid.

When Did They Go Missing?

Some data from reports indicates the family must have gone camping about a year ago, in July 2022. This has been deduced by a message in which one of the family members said they wanted to live “off-grid.”

The coming winter of 2022 was one of the worst winters in Colorado. The place where the bodies were found is quite remote and not part of the usual route of many hiking campers.

Gunnison County Sheriff Adam Murdie said when the bodies were found, they were preserved like mummies.

This is definitely a cautionary tale for those who might be thinking about going off-grid. Always be prepared and never try to just wing it or disappear without adequate preparation.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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