
Examining Trump’s Unleashed Legal Authority: Delving into the Controversy Surrounding the 2020 Election

In a surprising turn of events, former President Trump’s legal team found a silver lining in the Department of Justice’s latest indictment against him.

John Lauro, Trump’s attorney, believes this indictment provides an unprecedented opportunity for Trump to litigate his concerns about the 2020 presidential election’s integrity.

The indictment charges Trump with four crimes, including complicity to fleece the United States and obstruction of an authorized proceeding.

However, Lauro refutes the notion that Trump knowingly made false statements about the election. He argues even if Trump did, it would still be protected under the First Amendment’s free speech clause.

Lauro further contends that Trump’s actions were constitutionally precise and in order. He points out that state legislatures have the highest commitment of qualifying electors, as outlined in Article II, section 1, clause 2 of the Constitution.

Therefore, Trump’s intention on January 6, 2021 was to pressure Congress not to certify the Electoral College votes, allowing state legislatures one last chance to review and weigh in on their states’ elections.

The controversy surrounding the 2020 election results is not limited to all 50 states but primarily focuses on swing states that flipped from Trump victories in 2016 to Biden triumphs in 2020.

Absentee ballots played a significant role in these states, particularly in Pennsylvania, where Trump’s initial lead dwindled as absentee votes continued to be counted.

In Michigan, there were allegations of unsolicited absentee-voter ballot applications being sent to all registered voters, which Texas claimed violated state law. Similarly, in Wisconsin, the Supreme Court ruled the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in 2020 illegal, banning their use going forward.

The state of Texas filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin at the U.S. Supreme Court in December 2020.

The complaint accused state officials of usurping their legislatures’ authority and unconstitutionally revising their state’s election statutes, thereby weakening ballot integrity.

Despite these controversies, each state certified the elections; the results were signed off on by the governors and secretaries of state before reaching Washington, D.C.

However, Lauro asserts these issues have never been presented to the states, and now, through a criminal trial, they will be.

This latest indictment against Trump opened up a new avenue for him to challenge the 2020 election results. It allows his legal team to issue their own subpoenas and re-litigate every single issue of the 2020 election in federal court.

This development marks a significant turning point in the ongoing saga of 2020 election controversy.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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