
Exclusionary Tactics: Understanding How Liberal Suburbs Keep Minorities and the Poor Away

The left likes to talk a lot about racism; in fact, it’s just about the only thing they ever talk about. The Democrat Party stopped bothering trying to fix actual problems, which is why they just throw around the race card whenever possible.

Though if you look below the surface and the propaganda, you’ll notice something. Many liberals live in suburbs where they stay lily-white and keep the poor away through a series of tricks and deceptive practices.

Take the NYC suburb of Scarsdale, for example…

Welcome to Scarsdale!

Scarsdale is a rich suburb that’s overwhelmingly white and liberal, but by using zoning laws and prohibitions on multiple families residing in a home, they keep their invisible border fence up.

These NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) liberals love to turn on MSNBC and cry over whatever fake outrage is being spun to them.

Whereas in their own backyards, they don’t want anybody with skin a darker shade than pure white porcelain. They prefer to ensure their neighbors are in a nice wealthy income bracket.

Look at Scarsdale as one of many, many examples: 0.2% of the homes are multiple-family dwellings.

The rest have been zoned down to ensure that only people with money move in. If you’re not liberal, then you presumably won’t get invited to the neighborhood barbecue where everybody makes fun of Trump.

This is white fragility.

What It All Means

Liberal activists want to talk to small-town white and black Americans about racism and income inequality. They want to feel morally superior. Though they don’t want to deal with the actual issues or be around real diversity.

They just want to preach it to the rest of us, then go back to their nice comfortable beds in a rich white enclave far away from the problems of the real world.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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