
Abortion Practitioner Faces Arrest Warrant for Striking Pro-Life Advocate Twice with Vehicle

Back in June, abortionist Theodore Roummel struck pro-life activist Mark Zimmerman twice with his car. This occurred outside the Women’s Center in Saginaw, Michigan.

Zimmerman, who was standing in the driveway, stated that the abortionist ran over his leg and then reversed to run over him again.

Abortionist Hits Pro-Life Activist Twice With His Car

Afterward, Roummel parked his car and was confronted by law enforcement. He yelled at the police officers, claiming that pro-life activists would run in front of his vehicle.

However, Zimmerman pointed out that there were four witnesses who saw the incident and provided statements to the police.

Despite this, Roummel was not arrested and continued performing abortions throughout the day.

After being hit by Roummel’s car, Zimmerman suffered a fractured tibia. He was unaware of the arrest warrant issued for Roummel until he came across it in a Freedom of Information Act request from Pro-Life Michigan.

Lynn Mills, the director of Pro-Life Michigan, claimed that Roummel has hit other pro-life activists with his car in the past and has managed to avoid punishment due to a lack of evidence.

The Abortionist Has a Track Record of Criminal Behavior

Roummel previously ran over Mills in 2012 and was arrested, receiving assault charges. However, he only received six months of probation.

Security camera footage captured Zimmerman being hit, but Roummel insists that the pro-life activist intentionally jumped in front of his car and called it an act of “terrorism.”

As of now, pro-life activists have set up a fundraiser on GiveSendGo, raising over $10,000 for Zimmerman’s expenses.

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, abortion politics have become increasingly polarized. As states gain the power to create their own abortion policies, tensions continue to rise.

Article source: TheDailyBeat

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